10 Delicious Gluten-Free Sourdough Recipes (2024)

I’ve been gluten-free since before it was a thing… so a really long time. I’ve learned that the secret to delicious gluten-free bread is a good sourdough starter. Here are my favorite gluten-free sourdough recipes.

10 Delicious Gluten-Free Sourdough Recipes (1)

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A Quick Note About flour

The type of flour and flour mix makes a huge difference in the flavor of gluten-free baking. Starches and rice flour both result in really dry baked goods. Dark buckwheat and teff are earthy and dense. Here is some general advice for finding a flour that works for you:

  • Not all types of flour are readily available in all grocery stores. I’m lucky enough to buy my favorite flours from a local miller. Asian grocers usually have cheap tapioca starch. African grocers often have sorghum flour and teff flour. You can also find flour mixes online.
  • A GF diet based on store-bought white bread or white rice flour is not gut-healthy. Try to bake with at least 50% whole grain flour, which will provide flavor and fiber.
  • Gluten-free sourdough starters need to be continuously fed the same type of flour to be really vigorous. If you haven’t already started a sourdough starter, I recommend teff or light buckwheat flour, which both ferment very quickly.
  • My favorite flour is GF oat flour because oats are naturally a bit sticky. However, avoid raw oat flour which is very bitter.

Gluten-free sourdough recipes

There are a bunch of AMAZING-looking bread recipes from people that aren’t GF but decided to convert their typical bread recipe into a GF one. These recipes don’t have eggs, xanthan gum, or other binders… and they don’t work out. If the pictures look too good to be true, then it probably is…

I’m part of a few blogger forums, so I can tell you the dirty secret of the blogging world. A lot of bloggers use AI written content with stock images. That might work for a pumpkin soup recipe, but it doesn’t work with gluten-free bread. I recommend sticking with recipes that you can trust.

Here are my favorite recipes. They are 100% legitimate gluten-free sourdough recipes that are wholly delicious!

1. Sourdough Sandwich Bread

This gluten-free sourdough bread is my go-to for all our bread needs. It is delicious toasted at breakfast, or turned into sandwiches for lunch.

2. Sourdough Pizza

Where there is bread… there is PIZZA! I have several pizza recipes on my site. My favorite is a soft, chewy, psyllium husk crust. The flavor is SO good and won’t go stale like typical GF pizzas. Best of all, it can stand up to a ton of toppings.

I also have a gluten-free thin crust pizza dough that is just as strong and delicious. If you’re looking for a traditional pizza crust, then it’s a good option.

3. Dinner Rolls

This gluten-free sourdough roll recipe took me years to perfect. And it is AMAZING. It’s delicious as a dinner roll and strong enough for hot dogs and hamburgers. Make a double batch and stash these in the freezer because you’ll never want to buy tasteless store-bought buns again!

4. Rustic Boule

I always struggle to decide which loaf of bread I prefer, this one or the sandwich loaf (above). This GF sourdough bread is so delicious. It’s definitely the favorite with non-GF eaters. Perfect for serving at dinner parties or fancy brunches.

Best of all it is a gluten-free and vegan bread!

5. Sourdough Cinnamon Buns

Gluten-free sourdough cinnamon rolls could easily have been #1 on my list… but I felt like I had to start with a few bread recipes, first. Sticky, sweet, and perfect. Even my wheat-eating brother-in-law will easily polish off a plate of these!

6. Chocolate Cake

Sourdough starter is really the secret behind so many delicious baked goods. Unlike wheat recipes, fermenting the batter won’t result in bread-like gluten. All you get is delicious flavor. This chocolate cake is a personal favorite.

7. Cobbler

My sourdough cobbler recipe is one of the most popular recipes on Fermenting For Foodies. That’s mostly because it made the rounds in the gluten-sourdough community. I’m glad it worked out with wheat flour because I’ve personally never tried it! Using a gluten-free sourdough starter is quick, easy, and delicious.

8. Bagels

My daughter wanted bagels, so we created a sourdough bagel recipe together. She loves them so much, that we make them on a nearly monthly basis. Our bagels are often turned into weird and interesting shapes… because who wouldn’t want to eat a butterfly-shaped bagel?

9. Pancakes

I make and use a lot of sourdough starter… however, sometimes it catches up on me. Sourdough pancakes are a great way to use up a bit of extra starter. It’s perfect for a quick breakfast. Best of all, I can leave my tween to flip pancakes while I shower and get ready for the day.

10. Waffles

We make waffles every Sunday morning. Crispy, buttery, and delicious, this sourdough waffle recipe can be served with savory or sweet toppings.

Do you have a favorite gluten-free sourdough recipe to share? Post in the comments section!

10 Delicious Gluten-Free Sourdough Recipes (2024)


What are the best gluten free grains for sourdough? ›

I feed my starter with brown rice flour, but you can use sorghum, millet, or most other wholegrain flours for your starter. I would not recommend using a premade gluten-free flour blend, or a starch. Wholegrains work best because they give your starter a lot to feed on.

Why won t my gluten-free sourdough bread rise? ›

Your bread will not rise if your yeast or baking powder has expired. A dense loaf could also be the result of not measuring your ingredients accurately. Weight measurements are best (I have to update my recipes). Otherwise scoop the flour into your measuring cup and level without shaking or packing the flour down.

What is the secret to good sourdough bread? ›

Top 10 Tips & Tricks for Making Sourdough
  • Use your sourdough starter at its peak. ...
  • Moisten the surface of the dough before baking for more rise. ...
  • Handle with care: be gentle with your dough. ...
  • Use sifted flour to make your sourdough less dense. ...
  • Soak your flour beforehand for a lighter loaf. ...
  • Just add water for softer sourdough.

Can someone with celiac disease eat sourdough bread? ›

No, regular sourdough bread is not gluten-free.

Beyond Celiac does not recommend that those with celiac disease eat sourdough bread unless it is clearly labeled gluten-free or has been made safely at-home with gluten-free starters/ingredients.

Is sourdough bread anti-inflammatory? ›

The best bread to reduce gut inflammation is bread made from whole grains. Refined grains, such as the grains found in white bread and white pasta, are known to increase inflammation across the whole body. Sourdough bread and rye bread are both good options for an anti-inflammatory diet.

What is the best gluten free flour to use for sourdough starter? ›

Through testing this recipe, I found sweet white rice flour or AP 1-1 gluten free baking flour to be an essential component in developing a strong and consistent gluten free sourdough starter. Mixed with another whole grain flour such as buckwheat or brown rice flour yields consistent results.

What is the biggest challenge of making gluten-free bread? ›

Running into problems. Gluten is protein that elasticizes dough, providing structure and enabling it to trap the carbon dioxide generated by yeast. (This is why many gluten-free formulations don't use yeast.) Eliminating it often leaves dough that is runnier than conventional bread dough.

What is the secret to getting gluten-free bread to rise? ›

Eggs are natural leaveners that help boost the rise and volume of bread. Eggs also add moisture, flavor, and protein to gluten-free bread recipes. If you select a gluten-free bread recipe that includes eggs, you have a better chance that the resulting bread will have good color, more volume, and softer texture.

Why does my gluten free sourdough starter keep molding? ›

Young sourdough starters have not had enough time to develop good bacteria necessary to prevent mold.

Why do you put honey in sourdough bread? ›

You'll find I use honey in many of my recipes. I love to use it in my no-knead 100% whole wheat sourdough bread because it makes it much softer and less dense than it would be without it. Subbing it in recipes that call for sugar is not usually as simple as a one-to-one sub, though.

What is the best flour for sourdough bread? ›

The best flour blend for creating a new sourdough starter is 50% whole-meal flour (whole wheat or whole rye) and 50% bread flour or all-purpose flour. I recommend a 50/50 mix of whole wheat flour and bread flour. Why do you need to use these two types of flour?

What does baking soda do to sourdough? ›

Baking soda or bicarbonate of soda can be used in sourdough bread to create a less sour loaf. Added after bulk fermentation, but before shaping, it can help to create a lighter, more fluffy loaf of sourdough.

Who should avoid sourdough bread? ›

People with a gluten intolerance may find that sourdough is easier to digest, but people with celiac disease will likely still experience symptoms if they eat sourdough bread.

Who cannot eat sourdough bread? ›

Sourdough Wheat Bread is NOT Safe for Folks with Celiac Disease.

Is Ezekiel bread gluten-free? ›

Then, we take the freshly sprouted live grains and slowly mash them, mix them into dough in small batches and slowly bake into bread. Q: Are Food for Life Ezekiel 4:9®, Genesis 1:29® and 7-Sprouted Grains products "gluten free"? A: No. These products contain naturally occurring gluten.

What is the best grain for sourdough bread? ›

Glutenous flours, such as spelt, einkorn, rye, and wheat, tend to work best. However, it's possible to use gluten-free flours, including buckwheat, amaranth, brown rice, and teff, but these may need a little help at first, known as a boosted starter.

What do you feed gluten-free sourdough? ›

At Room Temperature

Feed starter with GF flour and water every 4 hours by using one of the following methods: If using a scale to measure ingredients, combine equal amounts by weight of starter, water, and GF flour. For instance, 50 grams of starter, 50 grams of water, 50 grams of GF flour.

Which sourdough breads are gluten-free? ›

  • Joseph's.
  • Young Kobras.
  • Hero.
  • Good Dee's.
  • Judee's Gluten FreeJudee's Gluten Free.
  • Little Northern BakehouseLittle Northern Bakehouse.
  • Breadtopia.
  • 4C.

Can gluten free flour be used to feed sourdough starter? ›

You'll want to use whole grain gluten-free flour – something like brown rice flour, buckwheat flour, sorghum flour, or millet flour. Do NOT use a gluten-free flour blend, which can contain starches, gums, and other additives that you don't want in your starter.

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